seventh post 28/06/2024
i got some cool stuff i got a thinkpad and a new phone
i got a more modern thinkpad like 2019 i tihnk i got it cause i needed a good laptop for school
its pretty cool its got the little nipple thingo and it feels good to use
and yea i got a new phone i got a motorla instead of a samsung cause i didnt really like some of the samsung stuff
its pretty good and has a ncie colour and more storage 
gonna play with javascript eventually since i have 2 weeks off school im too tired to do it rn tho   
sixth post 23/06/2024
i spent all of last night playing pokemon violet lol i beat the dlc and stuff it was fun
caught terapagos in a friend ball lol
its a good dlc kitakami part is kinda mid tho tbh
like it just made me bored and i dont rly have a reason to go back 
also my bloody phone broke lol
fifth post 18/06/2024
sorry i havent been posting, i just sort of forgot about it lol
lifes been good not much to really talk about i got a new mouse tho so thats good
fourth post 10/06/2024
ive had 4 days off from school so yea ive had some time to just do stuff
for example i moved this very blog part to a diffrent part of this site cause it was gonna get way too long lol
but yea ive just been chilling and enjoying life, working on this a bit, playing some games, got a new mouse
at one point this website stopped working lol i fixed it tho
github had reset the settings somehow but i fixed it so yipee
    thrid post 5/06/2024
    got a day off today i am so happy i did had a great day played rachet and clank and slept most of the day lol
    there a nintendo direct soon holding out hope for tomodachi life 2 but if its not here i give up with hoping tbh
    you know its not like its my favourite game of all time or anything lol
    i dont know why it is but it is 
    also gonna trade in some games i dont play cause even though im a game collector id rather have games i play then dont 
    second post 3/06/2024
    school went good fr nothing bad really happened at school today
    probably cause i was alot less stressed 
    also i am using vs code know even tho i dont really bloody know how to work this thing 
    im gonna set up being able to edit the github file at some point 
    first post 2/06/2024
    this is my first blog post yipee
    i am not good at doing this tbh i barely know how to use this website i made github host it somehow and i got the domain thing and somehow my dumbass figured out some html but yea
    i am gonna use this as a blog so i can yap to people i like doing that
    i am going to school tomorrow, last time i did it went bad but i hope it will be ok today
    i think it will cause im alot less stressed about it but yea im kinda worried about being funny and not annoying and telling good jokes